Saturday, April 27, 2024

▶️ Paul Lambrino: The Royal Heir's Journey to Justice

Paul Lambrino, a name that resonates deeply in the annals of European history, has been making headlines recently due to his unexpected presence in Portugal. The enigmatic figure, whose life has been shrouded in mystery for decades, has finally been spotted in the country, leaving many to wonder what could be the reason behind his sudden appearance. As we delve into the life of this intriguing individual, we are met with a tapestry of intrigue, deception, and royal intrigue that spans centuries.

Paul Lambrino, a direct descendant of the infamous King Carol II of Romania, has long been a subject of fascination among historians and royal enthusiasts alike. His connection to the Romanian monarchy, coupled with his alleged claims of being the rightful heir to the throne, have sparked intense speculation about his true intentions. As we explore the labyrinthine paths of his life, we are reminded of the enduring power of family legacy and the unyielding pursuit of power that has driven individuals like Lambrino to take drastic measures to reclaim their place in history[1].

what is the significance of paul lambrino in portugal

what is the significance of paul lambrino in portugalPaul Lambrino's significance in Portugal lies in his connection to the country through his father, Mircea Grigore Carol Lambrino, who obtained recognition as the legitimate son of King Carol II of Romania in Portugal in 1955. This recognition granted Paul Lambrino a claim to his family's inheritance, which he has pursued throughout his life. Additionally, Paul Lambrino's wife, Lia, has stated that he was in Portugal, indicating that the country holds some importance in his life.

what is the current status of paul lambrino's case in portugal

what is the current status of paul lambrino's case in portugalThe current status of Paul Lambrino's case in Portugal is that he has been sentenced to prison for his role in the Băneasa Farm case, where he was accused of influence peddling, money laundering, and bribery. He was sentenced to three years and four months in prison.

what is the băneasa case and how is paul lambrino involved

The Băneasa case refers to a corruption scandal in Romania involving the illegal restitution of former royal property, including the Băneasa Farm and the Snagov Forest. Paul Lambrino, a grandson of King Carol II of Romania, was accused of being involved in the case along with other individuals, including businessman Remus Truica and Israeli billionaire Benjamin Steinmetz. The charges against them included influence peddling, money laundering, and bribery, which took place between 2006 and 2013. Paul Lambrino was sentenced to three years and four months in prison for his role in the case. The sentence was part of a larger conviction of twenty-two defendants, including Lambrino, who were found guilty of various crimes related to the illegal restitution of the properties.

The High Court of Cassation and Justice has sentenced Paul Lambrino (aka "Paul Philippe Hohenzollern" and aka "Paul al Romaniei") to three years and four months in prison due to influence buying, money laundering and complicity to abuse of office. The sentence is final and enforceable; it cannot be appealed. The sentence is in connection with a corruption case to which Mr Lambrino and twenty-one other defendants are tied. According to DNA (National Anticorruption Directorate), the charges against the defendants concern crimes committed between 2006-2013 in various forms of participation, in the interest of obtaining real estate of special value, including the Snagov Forest and Baneasa Royal Farm, the ownership of which was illegally claimed by Paul Lambrino. Mr Lambrino had worked with others to develop these properties, and outlandish profits were promised to investors in the scheme. 

When the police arrived at the Lambrino residence in Bucharest at 9:32pm this evening, they did not find Paul there. According to his wife Lia, Mr Lambrino is in Portugal. Lia Lambrino spoke to police for only fifteen minutes and did not answer questions from reporters ... though she did tell one to move, as his body was blocking the censor to her gate, which she was trying to close. The police left the Lambrino residence at 10:00pm. At 10:15pm, Bucharest police confirmed that they are now in the process of obtaining an arrest warrant for Paul Lambrino. A police spokesperson stated: "Regarding the person sentenced to imprisonment, given that he was not found at home, the prosecution procedure begins. The activity of obtaining an European arrest warrant and of an international search has started."

Within the past few months, Paul Lambrino traveled to Portugal to stake his unfounded claim as the heir to the bulk of the estate of King Carol II of Romania, who died in exile in Portugal in 1953. Although Paul was in Portugal, and his wife Lia stated today he was in that country, some are speculating that Mr Lambrino may now be in Italy.

Born in 1948 at Paris, Paul-Philippe Lambrino is the only child of Mircea Grigore Carol Lambrino (1920-2006; the son of eventual King Carol II of Romania and his first, morganatic wife Zizi Lambrino) and his first wife Hélène Henriette Nagavitzine, known as opera singer Léna Pastor (1925-1998). In 1996, Paul Lambrino married Lia Georgia Triff (b.1949; the ex-wife of American attorney Melvin Belli). The couple have one son, Carol Ferdinand Lambrino (b.2010).


For more information on the background of this case, feel free to read the following articles:

2013: "Prince" Paul of Romania goes to court against Romanian state to recover land from the former Baneasa Royal Farm

2015: Romanian ‘Prince’ arrested in illegal retrocession case

2016: Remus Truica, "Prince" Paul and Dan Andronic, arraigned in “Baneasa Farm” Case

2019: Convictions In Baneasa Farm File: Remus Truica- 4 Years In Prison, Paul Of Romania- 3 Years On Probation, Other 7 Defendants Acquitted

2020: Israeli Billionaire Steinmetz Charged by Romania's Top Court With Bribery

As we conclude our exploration of Paul Lambrino's journey, it is essential to acknowledge the complexities and intrigue surrounding his life. From his claims to the Romanian throne to his involvement in the Băneasa Farm case, Lambrino's story is a testament to the enduring power of family legacy and the unyielding pursuit of power that has driven individuals like him to take drastic measures to reclaim their place in history. The royal heir has been at the center of numerous controversies, and his recent sentencing to prison in Romania serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of his actions.

As we reflect on the significance of Paul Lambrino's case, it is crucial to recognize the broader implications for the Romanian monarchy and the country's political landscape. The influence peddling, money laundering, and bribery charges against Lambrino and his co-defendants highlight the pervasive corruption that has plagued Romania's political system. Furthermore, Lambrino's claims to the throne and his attempts to reclaim his family's inheritance underscore the ongoing struggle for power and recognition within the Romanian royal family. As we move forward, it is essential to continue exploring the intricacies of Lambrino's story, shedding light on the complex web of relationships and motivations that have shaped his life and the lives of those around him.

what is the latest update on paul lambrino's case in romania

The latest update on Paul Lambrino's case in Romania is that he was arrested in France in June 2022 after fleeing his home country following a conviction in December 2020. He was sentenced to three years and four months in prison for influence peddling, money laundering, and bribery related to the illegal restitution of large plots of land in northern Bucharest.

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